I've said it before, and I'll say it again, I am part Hobbit.
Lately I've been craving higher-protein snacks -- soy snacks, cheese, seeds, nuts -- you know. Anyway, my favourite bulk food store(the one that smells like honey and dried lentils when you open the door and is staffed by a black-humoured but helpful shopgirl) had a new-to-me snack at the till. Wasabi-roasted peanuts.
I love the pretzelly, slightly sweet shell that buffers the nut from the thinnest layer of wasabi paste. Each treat differs slightly in hotness--some are sinus-clearing, while others are (by comparison) quite mild. They all crunch very well.
I'm always worried that I'll drop one and a cat will find it. Even though they love playing football with small, roundish objects, I can't trust them to NOT taste it. I don't know if these things are bad for my feline friends, but I must admit that it would be amusing to see what would happen if they got one...
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Happy belated birthday! I always end up making my own cake!
I am addcited to wasabi peas, so is the hubby, we fight for the last handful every time!
Wasabi roasted peanuts are good, but I think that the coconut milk roasted ones are better ;) if you can't find any there and want to try some, I'm more than happy to mail some to you! Sweet and salty and cruchy, they're worryingly addictive!
Ha! Your poor cats!
I like the wasabi soy nuts, it's always fun to find new goodies.
oh my... that would be a funny (and sad) sight to see your kitty eat one! I love wasabi coated anything, especially, like Helene, wasabi-coated peas. YUM!!!
I much prefer the wasabi covered peas. I've had the peanuts and cashews with wasabi and they don't treat me nicely. :( Oh well... At least i've tried them.
wow, these look very interesting. I have never come across anything like these. I have seen wasabi peas, but never peanuts.
I'm not sure about cats eating these wasabi peanurs, but my dog once ate a whole sachet of chilli sauce. He didn't even flinch. But hey, he's a dog.
Hello all
Helene -- Welcome! I've not seen wasabi peas around here...maybe since the peanuts are here, the peas will follow soon?
Ellie -- Coconut milk roasted nuts? MMMMMMM...must look for those...
Brilynn, VC and JenJen-- Iknow...it would be cruel, but funny...I remember when Zeus tasted some spicy BBQ sauce..he started running around in circles and then wouldn't come near me for 10 years (really).
Nerissa -- hmm...I'm convinced they shoud be around here somewhere...
Yes, I've also heard of wasabi peas but not peanuts. The peas tend to be too hard, but yes, sometimes sinus clearing...will have to be on the look out for these peanuts.
i grew up snacking on wasabi peas. good stuff!
I've only ever seen the wasabi peas, and they are yummy. I'll have to look for these. BTW I'm soooo jealous that you got to meet Nigella!!!!!
I love these. The first one I ever ate made me cry but I have yet to find one as intense since. Darn Asian Supermarkets...
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