Given my preoccupations with Menu for Hope and a couple of things on my side of the computer screen, it took me a while to get to this, the final of the "2006: Not So Vanilla" posts.
If you've been reading me this year, you know that I took 2006 to learn about and work with vanilla. I think like many people, I was used to it in sweets--cakes, ice creams, candies, custards, so in that respect I really didn't know what this pod with its millions of minute seeds could really do.Granted, not all of the experiments were successful (I won't be doing that vanilla-scented halibut again), but there were also some surprises--chicken kurma and the taste testing. Here are links to my adventures, for those of you who are curious...
And now this. The final series' post. I've done sweet and savoury, puddings, cakes and meats. But what I didn't do was a drink.I knew I was going to do this one in the winter...or what is supposed to be winter. It's 31 December, and the mercury is bobbing at just above 0C. That's not right--we all know it, and until we actually mend our ways (myself included) white winters may become a rareity...insert Kyoto comment here.I first tasted this sort of hot chocolate drink at my favourite chain coffee shop--The Second Cup. This version of their White Hot Chocolate is a little sweeter, but still creamy. The colour is a pale yellow, because of the melted ivory couverature, and is speckled with teensy seeds from vanilla paste. It is very easy and very quick. this is a little more than enough for my favourite mug, but really is meant to be shared with one other...that is, if you really like them.430ml milk (at least two percent, full-fat is better)120g white chocolate (in chips or chopped)1 tsp vanilla paste (or the pod and scraped seeds of one vanilla bean or 1-2 tsp vanilla extract)Simmer the milk and vanilla paste (or seeds and pod) and remove it from the heat. Stir in the white chocolate until fully incorporated.If you are using vanilla extract, pour it in *now* and whisk the mixture well until smooth and frothy. Pour into one or two cups, as you see fit...cheers!
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Back to our irregularly scheduled programming...
I am very happy to report that Mummy screwed up all of her patience and actually waited for Christmas to have the pudding. No, her fuzzyheadedness did not file the secret-to-me location of the puddings in that murky thing of hers called "short term memory," allowing her to forget where she stashed the puds...
Not that she didn't use every trick in the book to get early access...
"Oh look it's snowing out, let's steam the pudding..."
"Oh look we don't have any sweets for supper, let's steam the pudding..."
"Oh look at how cute the cat is, let's steam the pudding..."
"Oh look, the snow melted away, let's steam the pudding..."
"Oh look Coronation Street is on, let's steam the pudding..."
"Oh look it's Saturday and Coronation Street isn't on, let's steam the pudding..."
and of course the old
"Are you sure it's good, how will you know if we don't try it before Christmas? You don't want to be the one who ruined Christmas because the pudding was rot, do you?
Yes...she tried her level best...but my stubbornness is equal to (or greater than) her eagerness to have pudding. Each time my answer was "No"--except for the last one where my answer was "the puddings are fine and they'll be better if you let them alone." Each time the reply was "You are so mean to me, I'm glad you aren't my mother."
Given all the food for Christmas, we actually steamed the pudding on Sunday, with plans to do a light resteaming-warming for Christmas. She was so excited.
"You need to make a hard sauce for it, " she announced.
"Really? You don't want brandy butter instead?"
"No. Lots of sauce."
Never having made a hard sauce before, I searched my shelves for a recipe--Delia, as ever, had the answer.
"Okay, I have a recipe. It serves four to six."
"Double it."
"Double it? There are only four of us for lunch (Mummy, Daddy, the exbf and me) and four again for supper (Mummy, Daddy, and the two boys from Toronto)--and daddy won't have any."
"Double it. I want lots of sauce for my pudding."*
Making the sauce didn't take long and we wound up with a vat of it...enough for at least 20 (imo), but just enough in hers.
"More brandy."
"You want more brandy?'
"Yes, I like brandy. It will be nicer with the pudding--just a spoon more."
I think I used something like a total of 100ml of brandy (the one with the shadow of Napoleon on it, in case anyone is interested) for an 850ml vat of sauce. There's a reason it's called a hard sauce
We unmolded it and turned it onto a plate--she insisted that we flame it.
I don't think I've mentioned this before, but my mum has this uncanny ability to set off fire and smoke detectors by just walking near them. She can open the fridge and the detector goes off. She thinks about preheating the oven and the detector goes off. You don't want to know what happens when she actually does start cooking. It's not as if she actually burns things or sets the gas to 800C or anything. It's her weird human trick.
So, knowing that she wanted to flame the pudding--something we've never done--I was rather nervous. With full knowledge of the locations of all three fire extinguishers were in the kitchen, we soused the somewhat boozy, a tad sticky, almost ebony pudding with (you guessed it) brandy.
Daddy lit it. It burned a very pretty blue. It burned for a while before going out, but even with all that time, I was too slow with the camera, so we had to re-souse and re-light. if you look really carefully around the edges of the pudding you'll see it's swathed in blue. That's the colour of a flame fed by alcohol.
We dished the pudding and poured on the sauce. It was lovely and moist. And umm...boozy.
The pudding's all gone now...but the sauce isn't. I'm not sure what I'll do with it...Mummy has an idea.
"We should make another pudding..."
* Please note the possessive used: "my."
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With profuse apologies to Clement Clark Moore, Pim, Helen, David, Sam, Adam, Kalyn, Alder and anyone else who thinks I've been sipping too much eggnog, baking too many cookies and soaking too many fruitcakes (24 fruitcakes and 51 dozen cookies isn't too many, is it?)
Twas the night after Pim’s joyous Menu for Hope Three,
A giving event for the U-N-W-F-P.
The prizes were posted on blogs far and near,
In hopes that from readers, donors would appear.
Asia Pacific, hosted by Grab Your Fork,
Whose Helen sorted honey and vouchers and more.
From peppercorns to vodka, from books to a Zen,
If she found time to sleep, I do not know when.
David was there for Europe and U-K,
On we all did stay.
Gifties from Italia, Hungry and of course France,
For all those prizes, we all want a chance.
On the American West Coast, Sam kept tab
On Becks and Posh, she created a post fab.
When, what to our wondering eyes should appear,
A tea with Harold McGee and macaroons so dear.
With a lively, dear Foodie, for U-S-A (East Coast),
To Adam, The Amateur Gourmet we raise a toast.
He cared for prizes, each ticket $10 was paid,
for a painting, a catered lunch, or a Kitchenaid.
And for the rest of America so vast,
Was Kalyn, in Kalyn’s Kitchen, prizes she amassed
Turkish hot pepper and cook’ry books galore,
Even to be an Honor’y lamb owner.
For wines white and red, our winebloggers did fly,
To Alder at vinography, where prizes we did eye:
Eric Asimov and private sommeliers,
Wine guides and tours and romantic getaways.
And then, for Canucks, I did my very best
On Confessions of a Cardamom Addict.
Autographed cookbooks and things from Halifax,
Along with all that chocolate, were things in sweet packs.
For eleven days we watched,
In hopes that this campaign soon would catch on.
And catch on it did, to our overwhelming glee.
As the total grew, it was a lovely sight to see.
Our eyes-how they twinkled! Our dimples how merry!
Our cheeks were like roses, not because of sherry!*
All of our mouths were drawn right up like bows,
We were all pleased with how well our prizes did show.
"Now a hundred, now a few more! Now a thousand grew!
On, Books! On, foods! on, on dinners and a ewe!
To ten thousand! Then twenty, then thirty and more!
Now dash away forty! Dash away all!"
Pim sprang to her keyboard, to us gave a whistle,
And her fingers all flew like the down of a thistle.
We heard her exclaim, with many thanks a-plenty,
"$58, 256.70”
*really, they weren’t…mine were rosy because of brandy…can’t say about the others.
All cheekiness aside: A great big thank you to all of our prize donors, those who helped publicize the event, people who contributed to the campaign and everyone else who supported Menu for Hope III. Our event was incredibly successful and it couldn't have been done without each and every single one of you.I'm taking a short break, but intend to be back before the New Year.All the best to you and yours for a happy and healthy holiday.Edit: 29 Dec 06 - Just opened a note from Pim. Due to a couple of things (donations processing, a very generous donation by a friend and a one per cent donation from our total amount raised $60,925.12. Yay you!jasmine
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Here we are a day before the end of Menu for Hope III--it's been quite amazing witnessing the generosity of both prize donors and financial donors. A quick check of the donations page shows we've raised US$43,096.70. It's not too late to get in on the campaign--donations that are counted towards raffle tickets are accepted until the end of Friday 22 December.
Thanks to the wonderful Kat of kungfoodie for reviewing all of the MFH III prizes and posting about those that are available to be shipped globally. Click here to see that list.I'm really happy to say that all of our Canadian-sponsored prizes have at least one ticket, but of course, we'd love more ballots. f you want the opportunity for a little bit of Canada to be shipped to you, please visit our regional round-up.You don't have to be Canadian to bid on these--if your name is drawn (and you've let us see your email address), we'll ship these books to you, where-ever you are. As always, you can put your name in for one prize with a US$10 donation.
This is the last of the themed posts for Canadian prizes--the others centred on cookbooks, regional flavours and hand-made goodies. If you missed them, here are the theme links cookbooks, yummy ways to travel and handmade goodies.
Today: Chocoblockochocolate
I really don't know what more to say about this. We have two very generous prize donors who've come up with some lovely choocolatey goodness.
Curious? Read on....
CA11. Artisanal Goodness
Linda of Kayak Soup applies her considerable creativity to the prize she’s offering. A very lucky winner will receive two dozen hand-made chocolates. Yes, she will give away two dozen of her own chocolates—the flavours included are chai, port, frangelico, dulce de leche, gingerbread, cardamom and rosewater, and Kahlua.. But that’s not all. This choco-luscious prize will arrive in a unique gift box. What’s unique about it? Linda will paint the box in the prize winner’s colours of choice. Yummy and beautiful.If you want to win this prize, please enter CA11 on the donation form.
CA13. The Ultimate Chocolate Tasting KitClement of à la cuisine! presents a prize every aspiring chocolate connoisseur, chocolate lover and chocoholic would love. Imagine receiving seven dark chocolate samples, one each of: Amedei Chuao, Amedei Porcelana, Amedei 9, Michel Cluizel Mangaro, Michel Cluizel Hacienda 'Los Anconès',Valrhona Palmira 2005, Slitti GranCacao 73%; two milk chocolates, one each of Scharffen Berger Milk Chocolate, Domori Latte Sel, and one white chocolate sample: Amedei Cioccolato al Latte Bianco con Pistacchi. Included is Chloé Doutre-Roussel's The Chocolate Connoisseur, a book about tasting chocolate. After these choccies, running out to the KwikiMart for that instant chocolate fix just won’t be the same.If you want to win this prize, please enter CA13 on the donation form.
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If you've been following the Menu For Hope III campaign (and chances are, if you've been reading this blog or one of dozens of other foodblogs out there, you have), you know that things are going very nicely. A quick check of the donations page shows we've raised US$32,556.70.
Thanks to the wonderful Kat of kungfoodie for reviewing all of the MFH III prizes and posting about those that are available to be shipped globally. Click here to see that list.If you want the opportunity for a little bit of Canada to be shipped to you, please visit our regional round-up.You don't have to be Canadian to bid on these--if your name is drawn (and you've let us see your email address), we'll ship these books to you, where-ever you are. As always, you can put your name in for one prize with a US$10 donation.
Continuing with the idea of prize themes from Canada, (a few days ago I wrote about cookbooks, and last time yummy ways to travel), today’s post is about prizes that are made just for the winner:
Today: Oh, we are a talented lot, aren't we?
Not all of us are one dimensional--that is, most of us have different sides and facets. Sure, you know us as foodbloggers, but there's so much more to us than that. Some of us have a creative bent that just can't be stopped.
And I'm not just talking about food.
Perhaps it's latent exhibitionism (wait, we are bloggers, so I guess it's not all that latent), but some of us are putting our cooking and other talents to use in coming up with some fun and fabulous prizes. Some of us are giving you the opportunity for something that's truly unique and made just for you...
Curious? Read on....
CA01 Tea for HopeKelli of avoir une famille n’est pas comme une téléroman is quite a crafty person. Her package includes a beautiful two-tone blue teapot cozy, finished off with funky little tassels and a red ribbon. The parcel is complete with a 100g (3-1/2oz) of O’Kelly’s Herb’s tisane: an exotic, Thai-inspired herbal tea made with Asian lemongrass mixed with sweet and spicy Korean mint, oat straw, nettle, star anise, rosehip, lemon peel, stevia, and a set of “vintage china” postcards.
If you want to win this prize, please enter CA01 on the donation form.
CA03 Banner MakeoverMeena of Hooked on Heat, is a talented web designer who is offering her design talents, in the form of a new blog banner, to the winner. Tired of how your blog looks? Want to spruce it up with an interesting visual that screams you and your personality? Do you have a great idea as to what you want your banner to look like but haven’t got a clue as to where to start? Meena will work with you to help spruce up your blog with a custom-designed banner.If you want to win this prize, please enter CA03 on the donation form.
CA06. Serious Chilean bread
Nico of Nico’s Food Adventures, gives the lucky Vancouver, BC-area winner a prize of cultural and bakerly signficance. Not everyone can make a decent loaf--but Nico can. Well...not sure if you'd call them loaves, but you know what I mean. Chilean bread made just for the winner. Serious--he’s not joking. He will make, freeze and deliver the bread to the winner, complete with baking instructions. Simply pop it in the oven, buy some butter and take the rest of the day off.
If you want to win this prize, please enter CA06 on the donation form.
CA10. An Endless Banquet of GoodiesAnthony and Michelle of An Endless Banquet (AEB) assembled a set their own goodies that sample their writing, photography and cooking abilities. First up is a set of An Endless Banquet "secondhand China" postcards featuring lovely photos of china from their collection. The winner will also receive a copy of A.P.Q.O. (AEB 001), the first in a series of AEB chapbooks: this one concerning itself with the pleasures of apples, pears, quinces, and oranges (hence the title). They’ve also included bottles of their own Švestka brand preserved goodies--one jar each of oignons confits and pear-vanilla-bourbon butter.
If you want to win this prize, please enter CA10 on the donation form.
CA14. Home-made Morsels of LovelinessJennifer of The Domestic Goddess, opens up her heart, kitchen and lets her baking talents come to the forefont with this prize. Imagine getting a box delivered to your door (or picked up at your local post office), opening it up, and finding a batch of freshly baked cookies just for you. Give her at least a week’s notice and if you live anywhere in North America, you will receive a batch of home made cookies. You even get to choose what kind you want! She will give you a list of 10 cookies from which to make your selection. All you’ll need is a tall glass of cold milk and you’re set for the rest of the day.If you want to win this prize, please enter CA14 on the donation form.
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It’s been a couple of days since I last updated you on the Menu For Hope III campaign. I’m really pleased to write that we’ve surpassed last year’s total and according to the donations page we've raised US$20,000.70.
Just a quick note because some of the regional coordinators (including me) have been getting some questions about the prizes. You can put your name down for any prize you want. Almost every prize can be shipped to any destination worldwide. If you want the opportunity for a little bit of Canada to be shipped to you, please visit our regional round-up.You don't have to be Canadian to bid on these--if your name is drawn (and you've let us see your email address), we'll ship these books to you, where-ever you are. As always, you can put your name in for one prize with a US$10 donation.
To continue with the idea of prize themes (my last post looked at all the lovely cookery books available from us), today’s post is about our prizes that bring you tastes from such far flung places such as Calgary (AB), Halifax (NS) and Waterloo (ON):
Today: Yummy ways to travel
I’m sure I’m not alone in some of my souvenir choices. I come home with jars and bags of edible treats reminding me of the flavours or experiences of distant or not too distant lands. I’ve even asked friends to bring me things that I've heard of , but can't necessarily find find -- yes, my friends put up with a lot.
Three of our prize donors are giving you the opportunity to experience treats from their own backyards. Two of them will arrive to your doorstep and the last you’d have to travel to, but your tummy and tastebuds will be taken care of.
CA04. A Taste of Waterloo CountyLooking for an interesting outing on a late-Spring-Summer Saturday in 2007? A little more than an hour’s drive from Toronto, Ontario, a mini-adventure awaits the winner and up to three guests in Waterloo County. Work up an appetite at a guided hike through the Waterloo moraine (a beautiful natural aquifer, protected from development). Afterwards, I (yes, me, Jasmine) will prepare us a simple supper at tranquil Sunfish Lake (pictured), hosted by Edna Staebler’s dear friend and neighbour. Thanks to the very kind people at Wilfrid Laurier Press, you will also receive a copy of the just-off-the-press re-release of Edna’s first cookbook, Food That Really Schmecks. An optional morning at the St. Jacob’s Farmer’s Market can also be included on this day-trip. If you want to win this prize, please enter CA04 on the donation form.
CA09. Culinary Calgary To Go
Sara from i like to cook exports some of Calgary, Alberta’s finest foodie things. If you win this prize, you’ll receive a copy of The Best of City Palate, a collection of 10 years’ worth of the Calgary publication’s interesting, humorous and thought-provoking columns along with outstanding recipes. Along with that is a bag of Bernard Callebaut Bittersweet Chocolate Drops—a chocolate lover’s dream. The last two items in the package are a cheery handmade apron by Sara along with five of her family’s favourite recipes. If you want to win this prize, please enter CA09 on the donation form.
CA17. Nova Scotian Goodness
Teh Culinary Skillz’s Meg, put together a Nova Scotian package to be delivered to your doorstep. She's including some smoked salt, harvested from the Atlantic ocean. If you like salmon, why not try some of the special salmon seasoning she's including? To balance out the flavours, she's included some lavender-infused sugar, which is perfect on homemade cookies. If you want a bit of a sweet retreat right now, she's also included some lovely homemade biscotti (chocolate hazelnut and cranberry) to tide you over, which goes perfectly with the wild blueberry tea. If you want to win this prize, please enter CA17 on the donation form.
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Note: Thanks for the emails letting me know of the link problems--I think I've fixed them so you can go directly to the donations page.Just checked the donations page and as of this minute, we've raised US$15 850.YAY!As always, I'm checking in on our Canadian-donated prizes and we're not doing too badly, but it would be nice to see some more bids on these nifty gifties from our beloved nation.You don't have to be Canadian to bid on these--if your name is drawn (and you've let us see your email address), we'll ship these books to you, where-ever you are. As always, you can put your name in for one prize with a US$10 donation.I took a look at what we're offering and there are definite themes happening. From now until the end of the campaign, I'll be revisting these really lovely prizes, but as themed groupings.Today: Cookbooks Addicts AnonymousIn the year+ that I've been reading foodblogs, one theme keeps coming up: Oh, my groaning shelves. Face it. We love food, we love cooking and we love cookbooks. I know when I travel to Toronto, one of my usual stops as of late has been The Cookbook Store on Yonge Street. Cookbooks offer up a world of possibility that both challenge us and give us confidence as homecooks. Some of us are downright addicted to these tomes of treats (okay, I know I am, but I'm sure there are others). For those of you who haven't yet joined Cookbook Addicts Anonymous, we have a number of really irreverant, useful and inspiring cookery books that would love to be shipped to you (umm...yes...books have kindergarten librarian told me this).
CA02. Food+Drink: nibbles and sips for holiday entertaining Tara of Seven Spoons packaged three cookbooks to take you from the surreal to the sublime. Michele Cranston and Petrina Tinslay’s Food and Drink at Home guides busy and social people through simple but elegant foods fit for a crowd. From Coconut Shrimp Lollipops to S’mores Shooters, Bob Blumer (aka The Surreal Gourmet) will help you find new and fun ways to play with your food in Surreal Gourmet Bites. Coax out your inner mixologist with The Playboy Bartender's Guide (Deluxe Edition)’s 1,400 mouth-watering cocktail recipes (Bunny ears not included). If you want to win this prize, please enter CA02 on the donation form.
CA05. East Coast Cookery
Paige of provides a cookbook by popular East Coast Chef, Michael Smith. Known to North American television audiences as a guest chef and host of three television series, Smith’s Open Kitchen: A Chef’s Day at The Inn at Bay Fortune focuses on fresh cooking with whatever is local and on hand. Mouth-wateringly rich photography and hand-drawn illustrations accompany favourite recipes from his former kitchen at The Inn at Bay Fortune in PEI. A great cookbook addition for anyone interested in East Coast regional or Canadian cuisine.
If you want to win this prize, please enter CA05 on the donation form.
CA07. Baker’s Bounty
The Canadian Baker's Jen offers two cookbooks to help turn your kitchen into a bakery second to none. The Buttercup Bake Shop Cookbook, is by Jennifer Appel, an original founders of New York City’s word-famous Magnolia Bakery. Suitable for the average baker, it features full-colour photos and easy-to-find ingredients, this book has many classic dessert recipes, including their signature Lady Baltimore Cake. The second title is the versatile Philadelphia Cream Cheese Classic Recipes. Filled with easy-to-follow recipes and full-colour photos, it’s a welcome addition to anyone's cookbook collection. If you want to win this prize, please enter CA07 on the donation form.

CA08. Bring Dorie Home with You Sara of i like to cook gives every home baker one confidence with her prize. Think you’re a horrible home baker? Are your crusts more like cardboard and your crumbcake more crummy than cakey? Wish you could have an expert baker on hand to help with birthday cakes, or to just dole out advice that makes sense? Dorie Greenspan’s new book Baking: from my home to yours could be what your cookbook collection needs. As an extra special bonus, Dorie has autographed the prize copy, just for Menu for Hope III. As an aside-- I reviewed this book and think it's absolutely wonderful--the less rambly version is here on Canada Eats.
If you want to win this prize, please enter CA08 on the donation form.
CA12. Susur Hungry in Hogtown's Rob and Rachel will give you a glimpse into the life (and kitchen) of one of the world's most celebrated chefs. Susur: A Culinary Life celebrates the life and skill of Susur Lee, of famed Toronto restaurants Susur and Lee. The book is divided into two parts—the first is series of five essays biographical written by Jacob Richler and a listing of basic recipes. The second part combines beautiful photography with professional-calibre recipes. A perfect addition to any serious foodie’s bookshelf. As a very special treat, Rob and Rachel have arranged for an autographed copy just for Menu for Hope. If you want to win this prize, please enter CA12 on the donation form.
CA15. Food That Really Schmecks
The very kind people at Wilfrid Laurier University Press found out about Menu for Hope and offered a copy of the newly re-released Food That Really Schmecks by Edna Staebler, the book that brough Waterloo County Mennonite cooking to thousands of readers. Her narrative is chatty, humorous and no-nonsense and you’ll feel as if you’re reading a letter from a dear’re reading a letter from a dear friend. If you are one of my regular readers, you know that I met her, about four months before she died this past September, and we became fast friends. This edition, published to celebrate her 100th birthday, includes forwards by two of her dear friends, Canadian cookbook icon Rose Murray and famed author Wayson Choy. If you want to win this prize, please enter CA15 on the donation form.
CA16. Juicy Celebrations
Before Ivonne of Cream Puffs in Venice left on vacation she packaged two cookbooks for Menu for Hope III. Rick Rodgers’ Celebrations 101 can help you plan your way through any party from a romantic dinner, to snacks for the big game, to a grand holiday feast. Afterwards, Pippa Cuthbert and Lindsay Cameron Wilson can help you combat some of those calories with Juice!: over 110 delicious recipes This colourful and mouth-watering cookbook about delicious drinks (and numerous variations and recipes) will get you going in the morning and keep you healthy. If you want to win this prize, please enter CA16 on the donation form.
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Just checked in on the donations page and as of this very moment, we've raised $8,990!
I think that's fantastic. Thank you to everyone who's donated--and a special thank you to those who've put their name in for a prize from Canada (YAY YOU!)...oh gosh. Someone's put their name in for the Taste of Waterloo County...I don't think I know them...that means I'll actually have to COOK as opposed to ordering Swiss Chalet (tee hee).
Okay, there are lots of great prizes out there--and I have my eye on one or two. Here's a link to the round ups on the other regional host sites:
The grand-master (mistress??), global round-up: Chez PimUS West Coast: Becks and PoshUS East Coast: The Amateur GourmetUS (the rest): Kalyn's KitchenCanada: Cardamom AddictEurope and UK: Asia Pacific/Australia/New Zealand: Grab Your ForkWine blogs: Vinographycheers!
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Click here for the English Version.
Le “Menu pour l’espoir / Menu for Hope” est une levée de fonds annuelle pour venir en aide aux causes humanitaires du monde entier. À son origine, on trouve Pim, la merveilleuse auteur de Chez Pim. Les fonds de la première édition ont été versé aux victimes du tsunami en Asie, en 2004; la somme récoltée l’année dernière était pour l’UNICEF et ses efforts de secours auprès des victimes du tremblement de terre au Kashmir, en Inde et au Pakistan. Cette année, l’argent récolté sera acheminé au Program Alimentaire Mondial des Nations Unies.
Pim m’a demandé de l’aider, en organisant les prix offerts par les blogueurs canadiens- et je suis ravie de m’en occuper. Comme vous pouvez constater, nous avons un beau groupe de gens créatifs et très généreux! J’espère sincèrement que vous prendriez le temps de visiter leurs sites, et d’acheter un billet (ou deux, ou 10, ou 17) et tenter ainsi votre chance de gagner l’un de nos prix fabuleux. N’oubliez pas: achetez tôt, achetez-en plusieurs!
La campagne se tiendra du 11 au 22 décembre 2006. Les résultats seront affichés Chez Pim le 15 janvier 2007. Vous trouverez une liste de tous les participants ici:

CA01 Teatime pour l’espoir
Kelli de avoir une famille n’est pas comme une téléroman, un site qui parle de la famille et de tout ce qui la nourrit, a composé un paquet de confort et de chaleur. Avec ses doigts de fée, Kelli a tricoté un beau réchaud pour votre théière (tea cozy), en 100% laine et 2 tons de gris, avec une attache en ruban écarlate ornée de perles colorées. Le paquet contient aussi 100g de tisane O’Kelly (un mélange inspiré par les saveurs thailandais, avec de la menthe, de l’églantier, de l’avoine et de l’ortie, de l’écorce de citron et de l’anis étoilé, et du stevia…) ainsi qu’un lot de 4 cartes postales.
CA02. Food+Drink: des petites bouchées pour le temps des fêtes De Tara et Seven Spoons , un site Web finement écrit avec de très belles photos, nous avons 3 livres de recettes qui vont du surréel… au sublime. Michele Cranston et Petrina Tinslay ont écrit Food and Drink at Home pour les gens sociables, mais occupés, qui cherchent des recettes simples et élégantes. Des ‘bâtonnets à la noix de coco et aux crevettes’ aux ‘shooters S’mores’ (!) Bob Blumer, le Surreal Gourmet, vous apprend à jouer avec la nourriture dans son livre Surreal Gourmet Bites. Et libérez votre barman intérieur avec les 1,400 recettes de cocktail dans The Playboy Bartender's Guide (Deluxe Edition) (ne cherchez pas les oreilles de lapin!).
CA03 Du nouveau pour votre blogue
Meena, l’auteur de Hooked on Heat , (une collection de mets délicieusement épicés), vous propose un prix hors de l’ordinaire: une nouvelle en-tête pour votre blogue. Vous êtes fatigué du design de votre blogue? Vous cherchez une en-tête qui a plus de punch? Vous avez des idées, mais ne savez pas trop par où commencer? Commencez par ici! Elle est polyvalente, et elle a l’oeil pour la mise en page et la composition. Elle travaillerez avec vous à la conception d’une en-tête personnalisée.
CA04 Goutez au paysage de la région de Waterloo
Vous cherchez une sortie interessante pour le printemps/été 2007? À une heure de Toronto, une mini-aventure vous attend, pour vous et trois de vos amis. Une randonnée guidée dans la moraine de Waterloo (un bassin naturel, protégé du développement immobilier) vous mettra en appétit. Après, je vous préparerai un souper tout simple dans le cadre de Sunfish Lake, où nous serons acceuillis par l’amie et voisine de Edna Staebler. Grâce à l'équipe des éditions Wilfrid Laurier Press, vous recevrez aussi un exemplaire de la nouvelle édition du premier livre de Edna, Food That Really Schmecks. Si vous voulez, nous pourrons passer la matinée au marché de St. Jacob’s lors de notre aventure!
CA05. Cuisiner sur la Côte est
Paige de , haut lieu de la cuisine créative, vous propose un livre de recettes de l’un de ses chefs cuisiniers (canadiens) préferés, Michael Smith. Bien connu en Amérique du Nord pour son excéllente réputation de chef invité et ses trois émissions de télévision, il est l’auteur de Smith’s Open Kitchen: A Chef’s Day at The Inn at Bay Fortune. Le livre se concentre sur la préparation des bons produits frais du marché. Avec ses photos absolument délicieuses et son texte illustré à la main, ce livre recueille les recettes préférés de Smith de son poste à The Inn at Bay Fortune, à l’Ile de Prince-Edouard. C’est un excellent livre pour ceux qui s’interessent à la cuisine canadienne ou à la cuisine de la côte est.
CA06. Du (sérieux) pain chiléen
Nico, l’auteur de Nico’s Food Adventures , une chronique de ses connaissances et ses passions culinaires, propose quelque chose de très spécial pour quelqu’un qui habite à Vancouver, C-B: du pain chiléen, fabriqué spécialement pour le gagnant. Vraiment- Nico ne blague pas. Les Chiléens prennent le pain très au sérieux, et apparament, après les Allemands, les Chiléens mangeraient le plus de pain au monde (per capita). Nico préparera le pain pour le congeler ensuite, pour enfin vous le livrer à domicile, avec de sérieux instructions pour la cuisson. Vous le mettrez au four, en vous assurant que vous avez du beurre—et vous prendrez congé pour le reste de la journée.
CA07. La bonté de la boulangère
Jen, de The Canadian Baker , une source de douce inspiration culinaire, propose deux livres de recettes qui feront de vous un boulanger hors pair. Le premier, The Buttercup Bake Shop Cookbook, est de Jennifer Appel, l’une des fondatrices de la Magnolia Bakery à New York. Le livre est truffé de photos de couleur, et les ingrédients (et le niveau de difficulté des recettes) sont à la portée de tout le monde. Le livre contient plusieurs desserts classiques, dont le gâteau ‘signature’ de la boulangerie, “Lady Baltimore Cake.” Le deuxième titre est le Philadelphia Cream Cheese Classic Recipes. Les recettes sont faciles à suivre et les photos de couleur vous guideront: c’est un ‘must’ pour votre collection de livres de cuisine.
CA08. Invitez Dorie chez vous...
Sara du site populaire i like to cook , nous a proposé deux prix. Vous trouvez vos expériences en boulangerie plutôt médiocres? Vos fonds de tartes ressemblent-ils aux fonds de boîtes, vos soufflées vous dégonflent? Vous rêvez d’un boulanger qui prêterait sa main à la pâte, ou qui vous donnerait des conseils sensés? Le dernier livre de Dorie Greenspan, Baking: from my home to yours, est peut-être ce dont vous avez besoin. En prime: Dorie a dedicacé le livre spécialement pour le Menu pour l’espoir III.
CA9. Calgary culinaire: à emporter Pour son 2e prix, Sara propose une sélection du meilleur de Calgary, côté cuisine. Vous recevrez un exemplaire de The Best of City Palate, qui réunit 10 ans de rubriques fascinant et drôles, et des recettes hors pair. Un sac de bouchées de chocolat mi-amer Bernard Callebaut ravira les accros de cacao. Sara vous a confectionné un tablier de cuisine, et elle vous enverra cinq des recettes préférés de sa famille..
CA10. Partagez... an endless banquet
Anthony et Michelle du site An Endless Banquet (AEB), (site qui porte bien son nom!), propose une sélection de gâteries qui plaira à tous les passionnés de la cuisine. En premier, un assortiment de cartes postales avec des photos de morceaux de porcelaine soigneusement choisis. Le gagnant recevra aussi un exemplaire de A.P.Q.O. (AEB 001), le premier dans une série de ‘zines’ de cuisine, à propos des pommes, poires, coings et oranges- d’ou le titre (en anglais: apples, pears, quinces and oranges). Ils enverront quelques confections Švestka aussi: un pot de oignons confits, et leur beurre poire-vanille-bourbon.
CA11. Délices artisanales
Linda, de Kayak Soup , (un site positive, et positivement beau) s’applique à vous préparer un cadeau créative. L’heureux(se) gagnant(e) recevra deux douzaines de chocolats artisanales, fabriqués à la main par Linda elle-même. Les parfums: au chai, au porto, au dulce de leche, au pain d’épice, à la cardamome et au Kahlua. Mais ce n’est pas tout! Linda peindra elle-même la boîte pour les chocolats, dans les couleurs choisies par le gagnant. Un régal pour les yeux et pour le palais...
CA12. Susur
Rob et Rachel, les co-auteurs de Hungry in Hogtown , un carnet Web des plus aventureux, proposent le livre Susur: A Culinary Life avec une dédicace de l'auteur. Susur Lee est l’un des chefs les plus célèbres de Toronto. Ses restaurants (Susur et Lee) à Toronto proposent de la cuisine ‘fusion,’ inspiré des produits frais du marché, et les deux sont parmi les 50 meilleurs restarants au monde. Le livre se lit en deux parties: la première partie réunit cinq essais biographiques, écrits par Jacob Richler, avec une liste des recettes de base. La seconde contient des photos magnifiques et des recettes professionelles. Ce livre est la clé de votre collection, si vous êtes passioné de la cuisine!
CA13. Le summum du chocolat t
Clément est l’auteur de à la cuisine!, où il partage sa passion pour l’art culinaire. Il a deviné le rêve de tous les amoureux du chocolat, de l’amateur au fin connaisseur, et le titre de son prix le dit très bien. Imaginez: sept chocolats noirs: Amedei Chuao, Amedei Porcelana, Amedei 9, Michel Cluizel Mangaro, Michel Cluizel Hacienda 'Los Anconès',Valrhona Palmira 2005, Slitti GranCacao 73%; deux chocolats au lait: Scharffen Berger Milk Chocolate, Domori Latte Sel; et un chocolat blanc: Amedei Cioccolato al Latte Bianco con Pistacchi. Le prix inclut également le livre The Chocolate Connoisseur de Chloé Doutre-Roussel. Honnêtement, après avoir goûté à ces merveilles, votre chocolat du dépanneur* aura un tout autre saveur…*dépanneur: au Québec, un petit magasin au coin de la rue, souvent ouvert tard le soir, où l’on peut trouver les nécéssités… mais pas forcément du bon chocolat.)
CA14. Le bonheur fait maison
Le site Web de Jennifer, The Domestic Goddess , est une destination des ‘foodies’ du monde entier Elle nous ouvre son coeur et sa cuisine. Imaginez une boîte, livrée par la poste, et pleine de biscuits fait maison—spécialement pour vous! Avec une semaine de préavis, Jennifer préparera les biscuits de votre choix (d’une liste de 10 sortes) et les enverra partout en Amérique du Nord. Servez-vous un grand verre de lait froid, pour un goûter hors du commun.
CA15. Re-visiter Food That Really Schmecks
L’équipe de Wilfrid Laurier University Press a entendu parler du Menu pour l’espoir, et ils proposent un exemplaire de la ré-édition de Food That Really Schmecks, écrit en 1968 par Edna Staebler. Ce livre bien-aimé a fait connaître la cuisine mennonite dans les ménages nord-américaines. Son style d’écriture est informel, drôle et direct: comme une lettre d’une bonne copine. Cette édition, qui commémorait le 100e anniversaire de sa naissance, inclut 2 préfaces écrit par des amis de Edna: l’icône de la cuisine canadienne Rose Murray, et auteur Wayson Choy.
CA16. Un prix bien juteux
Ivonne, qui nous écrit de Cream Puffs in Venice , a un site Web rempli de mots et de mets absolument divins. Elle nous propose 2 livres de cuisine: Celebrations 101 (de Rick Rogers) vous aidera à planifier vos évènements, de la grande fête à un souper en tête-à-tête, des petites bouchées pour regarder le match, ou carrément le grand festin… Puis, Pippa Cuthbert et Lindsay Cameron Wilson s’occuperont de ces calories en trop avec le livre Juice! Ce volume haut en goût et en couleur est plein de boissons délicieuses (avec des recettes et de multiples variations) pour se lever du bon pied!
CA17 La bonté de la Nouvelle Écosse
Meg de Teh Culinary Skillz, une site web nouvelle de la Nouvelle Écosse, a découvert le "Menu pour l'espoir" et sa méthode d'aider était d'assembler un pacquet qui représente les meilleurs produits de sa province natale. Elle va inclure du sel de mer fumé, moissonné de l'Océan Atlantique. Si vous aimez le saumon, essayez-en avec le melange d'épices pour saumon inclus dans le pacquet. Pour balancer les sauveurs, elle va aussi offrir du sucre infusée avec la lavande, parfaite pour les biscuits fait maison. Si vous ne voulez pas attendre pour tes biscuits à cuire, elle a aussi offert les "biscottis" fait maison (chocolat-noisette et canneberge), qui vont bien avec le thé de bleuets sauvages.
Pour acheter vos billets pour le tirage, ou pour faire un don à la levée de fonds:
1. Allez à la page des dons à l’adresse suivante: (
2. Chaque tranche de $10 (US) vous donnera un billet de tirage pour le (ou les) prix de votre choix. S’il vous plaît, indiquez votre choix de lot dans la section “Personal message” de la formule de don. i.e.: En faisant un don de $50 (US) vous pourrez prendre cinq billets: deux pour le lot UW99 et trois pour CA20, par exemple. C’est à vous de choisir!*
3. Certaines entreprises ajouteront leur contribution aux dons personnelles de leurs employés. Si tel est votre cas, n’oubliez pas de l’indiquer, avec les renseignements nécessaires, et nous pourrons mettre en marche les procédures auprès de l’entreprise.
4. S’il vous plaît, cochez la case qui nous permettra de voir votre adresse courriel. Si vous gagnez un tirage, nous en avons besoin pour vous avertir! Si vous ne choississez pas cette option, nous n’aurons aucun moyen de vous contacter. Nous ne communiquerons votre adresse à personne.
5. Les résultats pour les différents tirages seront annoncés le 15 janvier Chez Pim. On tirera les noms au hasard grâce à l’informatique “magique” et à Derrick de Obsession with Food.
**Les lois canadiens sur l’impôt ne permettent pas aux organismes caritatives à envoyer des reçus aux fins d’impôt pour les billets de tirage ou de loterie. Le PAM est une oeuvre caritative américaine; si vous voulez un reçu pour votre don, vous devriez demander l’avis d’un professionel pour sa déclaration aux impôts canadiens.
De la part de tous les participants au Menu for Hope III et le Program Alimentaire Mondial, je vous remercie sincèrement de votre implication et votre soutien.
D’un point de vue plus personnel, je tiens à remercier publiquement tous ceux qui ont contribué au tirage, dont First Giving. Ceci est ma toute première année avec l’initiative, et je croisais mes doigts pour les solicitations de cadeaux—je suis si contente d’avoir eu une telle réponse.
Il y a une personne sans laquelle je n’aurais pas été capable d’écrire ce billet. Pour garantir le succès de l’évènement, je tenais à le faire savoir auprès de la communauté francophone également. Et ceux qui m’ont lu en français savent que c’est très… charming… et que je ne pourrais pas le faire toute seule. Un grand merci, alors, à Kelli Ann de avoir une famille…qui a eu la gentillesse de traduire les textes pour moi. C’est une vraie amie, une bonne personne. Thank you, my friend!
Si vous ne pouvez pas acheter un billet pour le tirage, nous comprenons. Mais sachez que chaque don est apprécié, peu importe le montant. Si une contribution à l’initiative vous est vraiment impossible, nous vous demandons quand même de composer un billet sur votre site Web pour nous encourager, ou d’envoyer un courriel à vos amis pour parler de cet évènement important.
Merci de tout coeur. Et bonne chance!
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