During the past few days I've found a few nutrition/food year in review articles...yes, I'm being lazy by not compiling my own but, well, turkey-induced lethargy still has a hold on me...the usual caveats re: subscriptions apply:
28 Dec 05: The Globe and Mail - Revelations kept coming in 2005
28 Dec 05: Toronto Star - 2005 Golden Whisk Awards (mmmm...banoffee)
Slashfood: Look for articles called "Top food stories of 2005"
And, of course The Scotsman's Oddblog (you may need to register but (I think) if you are outside of Scotland or the UK you may not have to pay for it...I don't).
Anyway, that's it for me in 2005. Hope your New Year's hooplas are sparkly and safe. Thanks so much for visiting me this year and I hope you come back in 2006.
photocredit: morguefile