My humman-cat is running around doing boring, unimportant, hummany things (you know, those things that really don't concern patting ME, scritching ME, nor feeding ME). So she's asked me to fill you in on what's going on around here...which is very cool because it's also Weekend Cat Blogging #73, hosted by one of my favourite bloggers, Linda of Kayak Soup.
Canadian Blogging By Post #2 is taking up humman-cat's time...and cutting into my petting and brushing time. Right now the big concern is a couple of people who forgot to send in their postal addresses. She's emailed them asking for the info because she can't post about the participants, nor can she send out addresses until she has everything in from everybody. She's sent notes to everyone who has entered so if you have sent in your name and your bloglink, but haven't received any reply whatsoever, please email her at cardamomaddict at gmail dot com just to make sure you are in on the parcel exchange.
I'll tell you a secret: When she's not around, I snoop around the Web. Believe me when I tell you that there are some really delicious foods people have blogged about. I just hope whomever sends us the parcel remembers that there's a starving, 20+ lb kitten over here (okay, and two others, but they aren't nearly as kind and loving and I)--I'm sure you can send over a roast chicken, can't you? Please?
Hallowe'en is coming! This morning humman-cat went shopping for ingredients to make some really spooky and scary treats. I'm sure she'll blog about it. And I'm sure I won't be allowed to have any. I don't think that's very fair. I mean, I, being a magificent black cat, was the inspiration for her Hallowe'en costume a few years ago. I think this means I get something a roast chicken.
Gramma's getting demanding. She found out that there's a new cookbook around and that my humman-cat got an advance copy to blog about. So, of course, gramma wants some cooking done. To be fair, gramma's visiting a very sick friend and so my humman will be making some cakes or breads or something for them. Gramma no longer likes to bake cakes or anything as often as she used to, so my humman-cat does all that now.
Now, I need your help.
My humman-cat, as much as I love her, doesn't feed me enough and she doesn't feed me enough yummy fud--"cat food" doesn't count as yummy.
I try being cute and cuddly (well, I don't have to try, I just am), but all I get is "No Beanie, this isn't for you." and "Beanie, this isn't pussycat food." I know that the cakes are yummy (sometimes I get the crumbs that fall on the table or floor...sometimes they need help falling to the floor--especially the big crumbs (I think they are called cuppycakes) and the meats are really yummy (sometimes she gives me a little bit)). I just haven't had any in a really, really long time.
I don't think my humman realizes how difficult it is being a cat. I mean, do you think it's easy for a black cat to shed white hair? What about the grey tabbies shedding brownish hair? Plus there's the entire security guard thing...if we didn't spend our days lolling on chairs, couches and rugs, they'd just get up and walk away.
If you could please convince her to roast a chicken for me, or to make something that she'd eat, but give me some, I'd really appreciate it. I'll love you forever and won't barf in your shoes. I promise.
Mr. Bean (aka Beanie)
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Mr. Bean,
I shall make you a deal, if I can convince her to roast a chicken, then you must let me have some of it. As I'm sure her roast chicken will be the best by far!
Dear Mr. Bean,
I have to side with your mommy. Human food is not good for you. Please eat something extra special for Halloween like Fancy Feast or Friskies wet canned food. However, a little oven roasted turkey would be a special treat for you.
Bonnie in Virginia
Hello Mr. Bean,
Has anyone told you, you have nice eyes? Well, you do.
And I hope you get some roast chicken soon, too.
Blue Plate
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