When I truly couldn't cook for myself, the exbf took it upon himself to make sure that the cats and I didn't go hungry.
He was (and still is) gung-ho for taking on the "Cooking By Proxy" adventures but I try not to impose upon his kindness too much...I just feel weird about having someone cook for me.
When shopping, I make sure there's enough easy-to-prepare stuff for him to use.
When cooking from scratch (and he is a good cook), he gets nervous when it's for me (WHY?).
Plus there's really no guarantee what time I'll be home--it can be 4:30 or it can be 6:30--it all depends on what's going on at work.
What this means is I've been eating a lot more meat and store-bought frozen food. Not every day (thank goodness), but it's there.
This means more preservatives, more salt, more sugar and more fats.
My body rebelled.
My tummy hurt, my skin was bad, and my digestion was...well...Let's just say that I totally understand what Dr. Gillian McKeith goes on about.
I know it is ultimately *my* doing...and my undoing.
The other week I couldn't take it anymore. I needed to go veg for a while...and it needed to be home-made.
Spinach, tomatoes, mushrooms, onions and garlic...lightly cooked and served over pasta.
Much better : )
Timmys count:
Before the nonsense: 44 cups; 3 free coffees, 1 free doughnut
Now: 43 cups, 7 free coffees
1 comment:
what a wonderful exbf!! you are truly blessed.
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