I just wanted to thank all of you for your emails, voicemails and cards. The support received from my virtual friends and family has been quite overwhelming.
These three months have been quite difficult, but the pain--still intense--slowly subsides. For those of you who've asked, I have joined a bereavement group and it is of some comfort.
I haven't forgotten any of you, nor my sites. There are still many things that require my attention, so I'm going to be away for a little while longer.
Thanks so much for your patience, support and understanding...
Take as long as you need, dear. We'll be here when you're ready. If there is anything that I can do, just let me know.
Siochan leat ~ Peace be with you
Hello my friend,
I'm so happy to see this post. You've been in my thoughts, often.
Take as much time as you need. Thinking of you.
Hi Jasmine,
Glad to know you are still hanging in there. Peace and God's blessings, Mama Squirrel.
Take your time darlin'....we'll be here.
hugs and smewches.
Jasmine, it is good to hear from you. I was thinking about you earlier tonight, hoping you are doing ok. Stay well, you are always in our thoughts,
Jasmine, sweetheart - I'm sure I can speak for everyone in saying that we will wait as patiently as you need us to. What is more important is that you have the courage and heart that is required to pick yourself up again. Tend to whatever you need to, including yourself. But don't forget that we all look forward to seeing you back here again...
Much love xx
Oh Jasmine you've made my day (or night) since it's 2 am. Take your time.
Jasmine, thank you for taking the trouble to post, I do feel for you and wish you all the best, take care!
Oh Jasmine, I was so happy to see this pop up in my rss reader. There have been so many times in the last couple of week that I've thought of you and wondered how you were doing. I know time is the only thing that can really help in a situation like this, and I'm glad you are taking the time you need, but just wanted you to know that we have not forgotten you.
My thoughts are still with you, Jasmine. Take all the time you need, and all the hugs you can get. I'm sending as many as I can your way.
I missed this sad event until just today with your return, which I am glad to see. You and Michael look so happy in that picture, what a great pair of smiles.
Be well and take all the time you need, the Web waits for all people.
Jasmine, you don't know me, but I'm a new DBer and I was checking your blog for the latest challenge... when I found your most recent posts. I am so very sorry. I know what it is to lose someone you love and you go numb for a while and life is surreal. You will never forget, nor should you be expected to. I lost my sister three years ago, but she is still with me in my heart because she is part of who I am. It is my hope that in time, you will find peace and strength in the love you shared. I am so sorry.
-jen at use real butter
Thank you for the update - I've been thinking about you and checking back! A good friend of mine lost her husband several years ago, and one of the things she said repeatedly was that she couldn't quite bring herself to do things (social activities) but she still liked to be asked. Consider this your invitation - we'll be here waiting when you are ready!
Dear Jasmine, you are always in my prayers.
Jasmine, I think of you often and you are missed. We will keep sending good thoughts your way!
Thank you for your update...
Take your time, we'll be here waiting for you.
Take whatever time that you need, and know that we're thinking of you, and that we'll be here for you when *you* are ready to join us.
I have been thinking of you often, and with great wishes for healing.Be gentle with yourself and don't feel there's anything you have to do as far as the blog. We read it because we care for you (whether we *know* you in real life or not!). Take the time you need for you, as long as that may be and whatever that looks like.
My thoughts and prayers go out to you. I'm really sorry to hear about your loss. I echo what everyone has been saying, take as much time as you need.
Jasmine it is good to hear how you are getting along. You are always in my prayers and I look forward to the day when you can gather enough strength & stamina to write a post again. That will be a good day for us all. Until then, know that you are cared for and loved from afar. Hugs from Colleen in SA
My prayers are with you...and take as long as you need. In a year it will be differant, not better but differant.
Comfort and strength are being sent to you...
Randi from Oregon
I found you on a search for a certain recipe, then read forward from there. Bless your heart. I hope that you continue to be surrounded by such a good support system. You'll be in my thoughts, and I can't wait for you to come back to write more : ) ::hugs::
I've been checking back every now and then to see how you're doing. Pleased to see this post - and we'll be here, when you do decide to return.
Many blessings and all the comfort and support that you need in order to make peace with this horrible loss. I'm sure that you made his life just as special as he did yours.
Take care of yourself and God Bless.
Jasmine, I was on your site again today to get your wonderful Masala Chai recipe, which I am enjoying a cup of now, and I was happy and surprised to see your new post.
As everyone else is saying, take all the time you need, and whenever you feel like blogging again, we will be delighted to hear from you.
Best wishes and good luck with everything.
Hello, dear Jasmine ... Just checking in to see how you are doing, and to let you know I am thinking of you.
Dear Jasmine,
wishing you all the best from Montreal
take care,
Sending you continuous good thoughts and a big hug.
Paz xxoo
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