You see, he fed me a line and I believed him. He actually made me believe he wasn't demon spawn, he wasn't a product of an unholy alliance between (insert your own despised political party *here*) and (insert your own despised corporate sector *here*), he wasn't put on this planet to convince people that big box prepared processed and cooked takeaway foods really is the way to eat
I thought we had a break through. I stopped cursing at him and he stopped playing with the temps to keep a constant heat. It was a lovely three weeks. I made banana breads, scones and cookies and lost nary a one.
Admittedly, my time management has been in the loo this month. I didn't get around to this month's Daring Bakers' challenge until this morning. Our dearest Natalie of Gluten a Go-Go and Shel from Fishbowl challenged the vast DB masses to make Lavosh crackers and toppings. The lavosh recipe is easy and I will keep it on hand to make again...hopefully with a different stove, whether mine or borrowed
Maybe Beelzebub picked upon my slightly elevated stress levels or he picked up on the urgency of the issue (heck, the post needs to be up today). Maybe he thought he was being taken for granted. I don't know, but he was a naughty boy. Whatever he thought, he played with the temperature dial like a bored teenager with his PSP.
The dough is very simple and easily adaptable to your palate. I had no issues making the ball, passing the window pane test, letting it rise, getting it to double in size or rolling out the dough. I had no issues choosing its flavourings--I chose freshly cracked black pepper, ground salt and sesame seeds. I wound up baking them on two trays...and I'm glad I did.

Same dough. Same oven. Same cooking time.

Yes. It was my breakfast.
To read what the other DBs did with this challenge, take a meander through our blogroll.
Poor Jasmine! Does you stove have an electronic temperature setting or a dial that you turn? If it's a dial, you can likely have the thermostat calibrated by a repair person. The digital ones are trickier and you'll likely need to get an over thermometer and test the temperature. Most ovens have a heat cycle of about an hour so check the thermometer every 10 to 15 minutes and find the average temperature over that time. Then, just add or subtract from what you need it to be set at and make your future adjustments from there. That's what we have to do with one of the ovens in our TK.
OOh, beelzebub, prince of darkness, bringing his scent of brimstone to the breakfast table. I'm impressed you got yours done in time to eat breakfast *and* post about it - 5 hours ahead of you and I'm just blogging mine now. Moi, last minute...?
Here I was thinking I had a rebellious oven.... what a feat to bake in Beelzebub! Kudos! Peach chutney is a great dipper for these.
Seems like Beelzebub needs a little attitude check! Sorry about the oven problems. Your lavash looks like they would have been wonderful. And that chutney, oh my!
Beelzebub must have been sending vibes this way because the same thing happened to one of my batches of crackers. Ah, well!
I am so sorry your first batch got extra crispy...second batch looks lovely though!
Naughty Beezlebub...looks like he needs an attitude check alright!! Love the flavours you've chosen...& the peach relish is heavenly!! Good for you J.XOXOXO
Darn Mr.B. strikes again :( Sorry to hear about that but that second batch is perfect and that jam sounds delish!
It's just the rule: least reliable when you need it most. Guess Beelzebub must have felt bad about that first tray and let you get away with one. I think you totally got it right with your peach chutney!!
Hmm. A possesed oven perhaps??!! But at least the second batch turned out well Jasmine. That chutney looks divine!
I love the combination of black pepper and sesame. How crazy that the first batch got so dark!
Yum - yours are properly crispy. It's a shame your oven monster got the first batch though. I love the combination with the peach chutney too.
Damn Beelzebub! Hes a tricky one leading you on for a few weeks and then bamm!Anyway the second batcj looks great and I want that peach chutney.
Oh boy... To go through all that with the mischievous oven. I bow down to you for your patience. The result is perfect and I am glad you made it. The peach chutney sounds wonderful.
LOL! I think you did a great job!
Funny post--and at leat you got a tasty batch in the end.
Very well done! I love your Peach Chutney!
Had a little accident with the first batch myself. If at first you don't succeed ...
Even with a pretty good oven they browned unevenly, at least that was my experience. So it's not all Beelzebub's fault ;)
The chutney looks delicious too!
i almost browned mine too much too. i was chatting on the phone!!! but your second batch looks great and I would have sold us the first as choc/molasses crackers. i would have believed you!!
Are you going to ask Santa for a new stove this year? It sounds like you should.
Crackers and chutney for breakfast sounds intriguing.
Too bad the oven and you were not on best terms this particular day!! Great effort, glad at least some of them worked out well!
Mm! I am definitely going to try the crackers with chutney! Thank you!
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