My thoroughly carnivorous being immediately relaxes at that sound. My eyes brighten, I breathe deeply and I begin my euphoric ascent.
A really good meaty fat-ringed offering, unfetteredly prepared and accompanied by simple platemates, is the cure to many over-committed hours, long days, longer nights and pretty much anything else that dares to trod upon my time or psyche.
My past few weeks have been busy doing this and that and that and this. Sitting down and "just being" hasn't happened much...neither visiting (and commenting) on my favourite blogs or replying to most of my email (and yes, Linda, I saw your comment and I'll be visiting you soon!).
When life gets like this, I want easy, tasty and fast food--not necessarily fast food (even though my gullet has been reintroduced to it over the past couple of weeks). So today when I ran into the mediumscarygrocer's to pick up a few things, I perused the quick sale butcher's counter and found a tray of beautiful grilling steaks at half price, I knew what I'd have for dinner tonight: pepper steak.
This is a non-recipe recipe. Steaks dredged in a mixture of crushed black and Sichuan peppercorn and powdered mustard, garlic and onion with a bit of salt seared on my table-top grill. Very satisfying and very yummy.

That beef looks tasty. I know what you mean. Nothing beats a perfectly grilled cut of meat.
This sounds very delicious! I have been on a slimming
regime and right this second, I could eat my weight in meat and potatoes. Why is eating so much more fun than not eating?
I love the sound of the sizzle too! This looks absolutely spectacular.
mmm this steak sounds delicious, will have to give it a try :)
I could definitely go for a large steak sometime in the very near future, I think I'm holding out until I'm back in grill-land... mmm bbq steak...
Sidenote- Well I turned the milk calender this month and saw September's recipe I thought of you right away and what you'd need to do to improve upon it. And why does any food with the word "kid" in the title have to be bad?
Sometimes I wonder how I could have been a vegetarian in high school. I love a good steak, cooked on the grill, and love the mix of black pepper and szechuan peppercorns, too.
Now that does look yummy and I can even have that right now!! I have a steak in the freezer that I am going to unthaw tonight.
yum. yum. yum. great looking dinner!
Mmm Sichuan peppercorns on steak.. sound interesting.
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