If you are a regular reader, you've picked up that I, in fact, am part mouse...which is probably a good explanation for my (ahem) towering stature. It's definitely in the running for my obsessive cheese cravings...well, that and My Dear Little Cardamummy adores cheesey goodness...come to think about it, so does My Equally Dear Not Little Carda..daddy (goodness, that makes him sound like some sort of mutant winged insect, doesn't it?...must come up with a different name at some point).

So when our wonderful Haalo of Cook (almost) Anything At Least Once announced Say Cheese, I knew I'd be participating. Not only does it celebrate her 700th post, it also celebrates cheese. To participate, all we were asked to do was photograph and post about our favourite cheese. A non-cooking food event (Yay as I'm not in much of a cooking mood right now).

So I chose a family of cheeses: Stilton.

Oh nummy nummy nummy.

There's White Stilton which is the cheese without the blue veining and fruit Stiltons which have puréed fruit injected into the plain cheese. I picked up some Apricot Stilton, but they also had a few wedges of cherry in the case. All are good--I'd say if I couldn't have blue, I'd go for the salty-sweetness of apricot. But by my palate, they are all good.
Haalo will be posting her round up in a few days, please check back to her site to see what other cheesey wonders people have posted about.
cheese! OOPS. I mean cheers!

Thanks Jasmine - an excellent choice! We only see the blue stilton here so its great to see the other varieties.
these look yummy :)
Cheesiliciously good!! Nummy nummy nummy is the word...& green is the colour of envy! from a spot on the planet where only cheddar & cottage freely roam, this is sheer torture! Lovely pictures Jasmine!
Haha.. cardamummy.. Great post.. very cheesy! ;P I love Stilton, but don't think I've had White Stilton.
700TH psot! Thats amazing.
I love blue cheese but have never had a fruit stilton. Thanks for this informative post!
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