My dear Cleo, took a turn for the worse and a very difficult decision had to be made; this wasn't totally unexpected as he had quite a scare 2.5 years ago.
My ball of purry fluff who came in from the cold wouldn't recover from the particular combination of ailments as what would cure one would worsen another. It was for the best...he was in discomfort, but not in pain and it would have turned very quickly to pain.

I'm teary, but I know this was the best decision for him.
Will be back...in a bit.
I am so very sorry for your loss ... I myself lost my friend of 13 years just two weeks ago. I still see his eyes when I turn a corner in the house, still feel his silky furry belly on my feet at night. God bless ... I wish you peace, and an easing of the pain in your heart.
so sorry to hear about cleo! hugs to you!
I'm so sorry... I feel for you, I also have a long-time furry companion who is getting on in years, and I dread the day when I have to make this decision.
At least you were able to make Cleo's life a good one.
There is nothing finer than a good snuggle with a purring ball of fluff. And nothing worse than when we have to be unselfish and let them go.
I truly hope that the rainbow bridge to Heaven exists and that all of our little babies are waiting there for us on the other side.
I am so sorry for your loss, Jasmine...I do know your pain.
Great big licks and hugs from my furry babies to you, my friend.
so sorry to hear, hugs jasmine!
Jasmine - sorry to hear about Cleo! Losing a pet is traumatic - anyone who suggests it isn't should just be shunned. In the past 5 years we have lost two cats and it is always a challenge.
So sorry my dear friend... I remember years ago when my doggie, Ginger, was in hospital and she finally gave in... My mom wanted me to leave her there but I insisted on bringing her home. Today, almost 15 years on, where she lies there is a beautiful tree full of yellow bell flowers! I now tell my children stories of how my little doggie and I used to have so much fun...memories never die!
I'm so sorry to hear Jasmine. Hugs!
I am so very sorry. Our family dog is reaching the point where we will probably need to make a difficult decision soon and I am dreading it. I admire your courage.
Oh I'm so sorry Jasmine! Saving a big hug for you.
Oh Jasmine, I am so sorry to read this. hugs to you....
Hi from a Torontonian (actually, Thornhillian, the deadly boring city above T.O.). Did you make the bees on the header? They are unbelievably cute.
Cleo was such a gorgoeus cat - and thanks for sharing this moving moment with us. Sorry for your loss.
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