11 February 2007

Odds and Sods

Just a little catch up note. Life is back to it's hectic pace now that my next course began. Lots of reading and more than enough assignments...sigh...

Congratulations to Janet O. of Cambridge Ontario! She won the "Taste of Waterloo County" prize I co-sponsored. It's a bit early yet, but we have been chatting about supper already. She was also kind enough to let me blog about it. Congratulations to Marlene of Cooks Korner who won a copy of Food That Really Schmecks, courtesy of Wilfrid Laurier University Press.

If you haven't checked to see if you're a winner in this year's event, please visit Pim's site. If you are a prize donor who hasn't heard from your winner, please contact your prize manager for help.

Here's a friendly little reminder that I'm hosting this month's Sugar High Friday, SHF28:Sweet Seduction. Please email me with your entry by by 19 February. Here's the invitation for all the details.

Okay, I know some people have been pre-occupied with a certain NYT article that appeared several days ago. I read, I mehed, I moved on...to this lovely rant by Anthony Bourdain. Spot on from what I can tell--I've never seen a Sandra Lee show, but everything I've read is gawdawful and her books that have infected our booksellers aren't much better. I've seen a Paula Deen episode or special or something...not very impressed and really hope we don't get her up here in Canada on a regular basis. But what do I know about television programming? It's not as if I'm in Food TV's target audience, am I? Thank goodness there's PBS.

1 comment:

MyKitchenInHalfCups said...

Interesting comments from Bourdain!